18. September 2012

Tuesday morning

Good morning everybody,
Long time no post again- I know. Its been kinda busy the last few weeks for me and I actually had a little " I dont wanna write anything "- time, where I was just focusing on my studies and some organizations. Sorry for that. As you can see, I totally changed my blog page aswell. Im in the mood for a cleaner look for some reason and I thought this is a good image for late summer.
At this time of the year I always feel sad to see the summer going and watching the leaves falling off the trees. Its always a wonderful time to create something new in your life, though. Rearrange the rooms, haunting for goodies at the flea markets, catching up with some old friends and just create a new atmosphere around you. I love it!
Today, Im working on a blazer, which Im gonna show you the next weeks. As soon as its ready to be photographed! Have a wonderful day today and enjoy each moment of what youre doing...

4. September 2012

About Almost 2 month ago, I applied for a Giveaway at Roots& Feathers, one of my favorite blogs, and have won a Summer of Love journal made by Kara from I just might explode, another amazingly creative blogger out there. 
I actually took the lovely advises, which are given in this journal, to create my very own "Summer of Memories". Since I' ve spent my whole summer vacation in the states with my lovely friends and family, I kind of spent my time with memories. Thinking about the time where Ive been an american girl and these little pumpkins were babies, how they have changed, how my own childhood has been, developments and all the good memories I have about the wonderful journeys to all the countries I've been in! I filteres everything I really like and words which have followed my life with a wonderful meaning and brought them into a cute, little journal. It's made out of old papers and some accessories, laces and drawings.  Its so nice to capture something which has such a huge meaning for yourself or for the people you love the most, as a birthday gift or just like that. Its so much fun and looks great in a shelf next to books and photo albums.